Relevant Publications

Noelene Cole

2000 Eel and boomerang: a cognitive archaeology of rock art. TEMPUS Series. Monographs. Anthropology Museum, University of Queensland, St Lucia. (forthcoming publication of Ph D Thesis. 1998 School of Anthropology and Archaeology, James Cook University of North Queensland).

1999 Laura revisited: review of chronological models for Laura rock art. In D. Seglie (ed) Proceedings of the 1995 International Rock Art Congress in Turin. Symposium 1A. New Approaches . Centro Studi e Museo d'Arte Preistorica, Pinerolo (Italy).

1997 Rock Art Dating Project at Laura. In G. Ward and C. Tuniz (eds) Advances in Dating Australian Rock Art Imagery: Proceedings of the First Australian Rock Painting Dating Workshop held at Woods Centre, Lucas Heights 8-10 Feb., 1996 under the auspices of AIATSIS and AINSE. AIATSIS, AIATSIS, Canberra.

1995 Rock art in the Laura-Cooktown region, S.E. Cape York Peninsula. In M. J. Morwood and D. R. Hobbs (eds) Quinkan Prehistory: the archaeology of Aboriginal art in s.e. Cape York Peninsula. Tempus Vol 3, pp. 51-70. Anthropology Museum, University of Queensland, St. Lucia.

N.A.Cole with A. Watchman

1996 Archaeology of white hand stencils of the Laura region, North Queensland, Australia. Techne: La science au service de l'histoire de l'art et des civilisations . 3: 82-90.

1995 Chronology of Laura Rock Art. In M. J. Morwood and D. R. Hobbs (eds) Quinkan Prehistory: the archaeology of Aboriginal art in s.e. Cape York Peninsula. Tempus Vol 3, pp. 147-160. Anthropology Museum, University of Queensland, St. Lucia.

Campbell, J., N. Cole, E. Hatte, C. Tuniz and A. Watchman

1996 Dating of Rock Surface Accretions with Aboriginal Paintings and Engravings in North Queensland. In S. Ulm, I. Lilley, and A. Ross (eds) Australian Archaeology 95: Proceedings of the 1995 Australian Archaeological Association Annual Conference Tempus 6, Anthropology Museum, University of Queensland, St Lucia.

Ward, I,. Watchman, A., Cole, N and Morwood, M.

(2000) In press Selective use of high quality earth pigments as paints for rock art in the Laura Kimberley regions, Australia , Rock Art Research.


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