Project Scope

Preliminary work has established the feasibility and market readiness for Matchbox and the proposed cataloguing exercise with the Ang-Gnarra Aboriginal Corporation. Detailed business plans made in advance of the project will be associated with it at the expense of the industry partners. These plans will contribute to the requirements definition and research and analysis processes.

The project is a catalogue research, design and development project, not a cataloguing project. It will develop systems for future use, employing new practices pioneered by the project. Its context is within an on-going program of cultural reconstruction and materials repatriation. The enabled scholarly activities, although not part of the project, will be enhanced by virtue of the project.

The graphical user interface for deployment of Matchbox in Laura and for future Quinkan projects will be the responsibility of JCU, working with the local communities.

The project partners will train technical and cataloguing support and maintenance staff from JCU.

table of contents | introduction | administration | contacts | outcomes | research | participants | project schedule | innovation | regional involvement | publications | project scope